snake1 - An SDL2 based snake game
snake1 is a classic snake game written in C++ with SDL2 as multimedia backend.
- windowed/fullscreen mode
- changable and modifiable color scheme (you can even add your own)
- adjustable game settings (initial snake length, game speed, field size, borderless mode)
- two game modes - training and survival
Build & Run
- Clone it;
- Open the .sln in Visual Studio (I use 2015);
- Change configuration to x86;
- Build it;
- Copy the dll’s from ”.\external\lib\x86” to ”.\MSVS\Debug\Output”;
- Copy the “assets” folder from ”.\MSVS” to ”.\MSVS\Debug\Output”;
- Run it!
- User profiles
- Highscores
Frozen :(